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» Poem: Sweet Silence
Sweet Silence
06:03 PM 11/28/04
I noticed that the sky
seems brighter
when you are around.
The grass seems greener
and the birds seem to chirp
with added enthusiasm.
But now you are leaving,
by way of car or coffin,
you haven't decided.
You're happy here,
you said.
Your friends
are here,
you said.
And I love you.
But why does that matter,
when you constantly
over the things
you must go through?
Why does it matter
when all you do
is dream of death?
I guess the sweet silence,
the dark forever of it,
comforts you.
I know it would me.
But we could have silence
and darkness
all our own.
But you want a different kind
of solitude.
One with cold pits
full of angry thoughts
away from
school and life itself.
"Doesn't sound
so bad
at this moment,"
you say.
But what about
the next moment?
I think.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Another one about the guy that wants to die. I am really worried. Comment if you see fit.

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