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» Poem: Cry tonight
Cry tonight
written by Trapezium
06:28 PM 11/29/04
I can't seem to write right now,
Certain words play in my head,
"I never loved you, you're not
good enough for me" she said.

I never thought my mother,
Would say the words I always knew,
And now I hear those words,
I just don't know what to do.

Even my own mum doesn't love me,
I bet no one else does aswell,
If such a demonic pit existed,
I might as well go to hell.

I want to break free,
From the pain that eats me whole,
From the fear that sends me shaking,
And the tears that cloud around my very soul.

I want to lift the darkness,
And see the light again,
I want to be with my sweet angel,
I just don't know when.

I want to look into the sky's eyes,
And I want to cry happy tears,
I need to live to live to live,
I've already faced my fears.

I need to laugh to laugh to laugh,
And I need to see a smiling,
Maybe if I could be forever,
I'd wish I wasn't dying.

I just can't believe mum said those things,
The worse thing is they were right,
I'm not good enough for anything,
I know I'll cry tonight.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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This Poem has been viewed 406 times

» Comments / Feedback
by melons (11-29-2004 - 06:32 PM)
deep and and ful of emo one of ur best gr8 poem babes *hugs*

by FeeFee (11-29-2004 - 06:40 PM)
She may not love you but i now someone who does

by dacode05 (11-29-2004 - 07:14 PM)
You're writing is great as usual...hoping you're feeling better and thinking of you so often...you're very loved Sandy.

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