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» Poem: IceBound
written by darktinkerbell
04:59 AM 11/30/04
something you once were
ice surrounded your heart
never cracking to anyone that wanted in
while the ice surrounded your heart
I could see you were just in need
of someone that won't hurt you,
as the others did
I came to you wanting
what everyone else wanted
but why was I the only one
who melted the ice?
why am I the one you want?
how did I stop IceBound
from being IceBound?
not in the sense that I changed
who you are,
but that I changed your prospective
on ever loving again?
how did I do all that
I never thought I was strong enough
to do anything, but with you
I feel I can do everything,
thank you for letting me
melt the ice on your heart,

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
not trying to replace ur name or anything like that, I'm just expressing how I really feel about you, even though this poem sux more than the rest of them, I MISS YOU

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This Poem has been viewed 398 times

» Comments / Feedback
by chaoticthoughts (11-30-2004 - 05:13 AM)
That was good, I liked it. True love? I think so

by IceBound (11-30-2004 - 05:14 PM)
even if the ice has melted and waves subsided... i'm still standing in the puddle of melted ice...

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