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» Poem: Secrets
written by ieatsmellysocks
09:52 PM 11/30/04
So many things I do not know
So many secrets that you hide
I’ll never know the truth now
I’ll never know why you lied

Everythings been kept a secret
You said you’d tell me when I was older aren’t I old enough
You’ll hit me if I ask what happened
I try to forget but its pretty tough

You wont tell me anything
What happened that was so bad
I know that its important but you just shrug it off
How come every time I ask you get mad

Whenever I ask you whenever I beg you
You shake your head and tell me no
When will I find out
Theres so many things I’ll never know

So many things I do not know
So many secrets that you hide
I’ll never know the truth now
I’ll never know why you lied

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I think its crap.please comment

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