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» Poem: Depornographelia
written by frotofski_LaVey
02:21 AM 12/1/04
Gurued by holies, been impaired by the freaks
O.D-ing the God with drug-induced beats
Simulated re-run groundhog day
Another risk factor been ignored with cocaine
Edited social and sexual lives
Only as a child did I feel alive
Inflicted with minaturecokkal syndrome
A brail fleesed shagging drug user garden gnome

Tippy toed leaping froggers
Wearing nothing except their joggers
Freelanced hornyhungarian horses
only one lens in the binoculars
comedy-christened crystal meth
pills popped and needles inject-
teddy bear teddy bear hold me tonight
I’m a little boy lost within the horrors of light
Bleeding fast but staying dry
Only the good ones ever die
Pity I’m bad or I’d be dead
Tried to be good, but I didn’t fit in

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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