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» Poem: Suicidal Ramblings of a Depressed Poet
Suicidal Ramblings of a Depressed Poet
written by Sugar_N_Spikes
03:59 PM 12/1/04
Suicidal Ramblings of a Depressed Poet.

Will someone listen?
Will someone understand?
Will this Fake persona crack?
I'll Fail,I'll Fall
Lose control forever
And loose myself

I need help
I'm so low,I can't even see the words
That im writing
But im writing just the same.
I can't go on
I want to die
Whats the least painfull way?
I guess everyway is,
I wish i could go to sleep and never have to wake.
Living is more Painfull.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
i wrote this whilst on a "episode"It's not really a concuois poem just what i wrote whilst extremly low hence the title.
Please leave a comment even if you hate it.

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This Poem has been viewed 114 times

» Comments / Feedback
by RavenChild (12-1-2004 - 04:37 PM)
*sniff* sounds so much like my life...*sniff*

by sarah10087 (12-6-2004 - 01:38 PM)
not necessarily a criticism but a general comment about all poetry on this site. Do you get the feeling we are all related in the fact we all go through the same things. Most poems on here are identical in sentiment, whether it be suicidal or getting over being suicidal.......we all feel the same....kinda makes it a less special feeling really.

by Sugar_N_Spikes (12-6-2004 - 06:33 PM)
Well no i don't think it makes it less of a emotional and "special" thing. I can tell that you have never been this low or appear to have ever been.

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