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» Poem: hello there
hello there
written by dark_love_angel
06:14 PM 12/4/04
hello there you dont know me,
but i used to want to die,
but some of you have helped me,
to realize all the lies,
thank you for being there for me,
without knowing my name,
your words have truely saved my life,
for that i wish you fame,
i wish you all the best in life,
for you made mine go on,
you made me want to be here now,
instead of dying and gone,
thank you again,
for all youve done,
i hope you can,
help another one.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
thank you to all on this site who wrote to me and let me know that ending my life isnt very smart... thank you sooo much

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