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» Poem: Opposite of What I Want
Opposite of What I Want
written by MorbidSuicide666
10:11 PM 6/14/04
I descend into darkness with a wound on my wrist,
Bleeding and screaming in an eternal bliss.
I feel only hatred rise in my heart,
Controlling me,
Using me.
I feel the crimson knife,
Tapping the vein.
I lay on the floor,
With my blood flowing out.
I breathe deeply,
Trying to control this craving to die.
Trying to control my urge to scream.
I stare at my mirror reflection,
Feeling only pure hate.
I try to breathe,
But suffocate.
I try to breathe life,
But only breathe death.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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