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» Poem: So Much Better
So Much Better
written by Fallen Beauty
03:23 AM 12/8/04
I was cursed
Forever loathing
Everything about you.

I was hurt
I screamed and cried
Not knowing what to do.

I would write,
Pouring emotions
Pillow soaking teh tears.

I would hide;
You'd flip if you saw
What I do with the shears.

Vibrant red
Stained my dry, tan skin
But I must stay discrete.

Smash my head
Onto my pillow
I always cut so deep.

Just enough
To feel the blood drip
And remember the pain.

Then I lay
Pray to God above
"It was all in vain,

Forgive me. But wow, I feel so much better."

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I seriously did feel so much better after I cut. But then only more sorrow came. gee, imagine that. Plz comment

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