Why are people racist?
They may think they have something to prove,
But there are more religions then one,
There are more colours under the sun,
People believe different,
People live different,
People fight over creed,
People will do a bad deed,
Because someone is from a different country,
'tis so sad,
How people will do bad,
Because someone is not the same,
Because someone doens't want the fame,
They dress for their religion,
What's wrong with that?
They do mental and phsycial excercises,
For their religion,
It's hat they believe and,
If they're happy with themslef,
That's all that matters,
So why do people shatter,
Their feelings,
So much that they can cause them to,
Make one's blood start congealing,
They kill for individuality,
THey push them so far past the brink,
That one's life may sink,
And they kill themsleves,
They delve,
Into the darkness,
The pit,
And land upright and sit. |