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» Poem: Letter to my Sister
Letter to my Sister
written by ieatsmellysocks
08:55 PM 12/8/04
Dear Sister,

Why did you have to go
Cant you explain
Because I need to know
You caused me so much pain

You were the world to my Dad
And then you left and now im sad
Now he keeps pushing me to be better
And I cant take it that’s why im writing this letter

What you did was not all right
I stared at your photo every night
Waiting for you to come back home
Crying and slashing my arm alone

Until I realized you weren’t coming back
You had more important things like weed and crack
If you couldn’t live your life I didn’t want to live mine
But now I know I was wasting my time

On my birthday you sent me a dollar store card
Signed by your abusive boyfriend I tried not to cry it was hard
You grew up without me you said I’d always be your best friend
Until you ripped out my heart, then our friendship had to end

I know you never meant to hurt anybody
But,dear sister you did
Thanks to you we are miserable
And ive been depressed and suicidal since I was a little kid

After you left,everything fell apart
Now ive got a bleeding wrist and a broken heart
All the memories we shared bring me so much pain
Tell me why you left I need you to explain

Dear sister,if I kill myself
You can have my stuff
I know you’ll sell it for money for drugs
Then you’ll have enough

Tell me what really happened
Why did our friendship have to end
Don’t give me lies I want to know why
Before I die

Love and I unfortunately am,

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
This is a letter i wrote to my sister a year ago,but i never did send it to her.please comment

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This Poem has been viewed 513 times

» Comments / Feedback
by sAnDrA*DeE (12-8-2004 - 08:59 PM)
wow thats awesome

by HunteroftheDusk (12-8-2004 - 09:42 PM)
Wow I love it. It really said yet so real. Great job

by Elariel (12-8-2004 - 10:47 PM)
This is such a sad poem, I almost cried when I read it.

by TearsOfBetrayal (3-4-2005 - 10:41 PM)
I really really loved it! I can relate, I have a brother who steals from me for drug money.

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