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» Poem: adam is my rose
adam is my rose
written by melons
10:00 PM 12/8/04
Walking in the field of flowers,
Wondering for hours and hours,
I feel I have something to find
Fuck, I must have been blind,
I couldn’t see it in front of me,
I just wasn’t able to see,
In this field of stinger nettles
Lay surrounded by a bunch of petals,
The most handsome red rose to this day,
My sky’s once was grey,
Now turned as red like the rose,
He wasn’t one of them homos,
I feel in love with him the rose,
My love for him grows and grows,
I picked the beat from the field

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
was thinking of my sexy rexy boifriend and how much he is different in a very good way :Dlove yah muffin

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This Poem has been viewed 368 times

» Comments / Feedback
by arnie (12-8-2004 - 10:02 PM)
awww sweetie, ur my rose too!! i love u and thats soo sweet, lol and its a gd poem as always baby love u xxmwahxx ads x

by Elariel (12-8-2004 - 10:30 PM)
That is absolutely adorable.

by punk_buddy_frooly_tube (12-11-2004 - 09:57 PM)
THATS CUTE! really cute! man i wish i had a girlfriend that was still living. i support you two:)

by Trapezium (12-12-2004 - 07:19 PM)
if your girlfreind was dead, you wouldn't bloody broadcast it with every poem and every comment. Alex, you have so mcuh to learn about lying!

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