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» Poem: what you think ? i dont care!
what you think ? i dont care!
written by melons
05:28 PM 12/12/04
Come on bitch make me cry,
I am black am I
I could kick your ass I could,
What’s stopping me? I should
You pick my up when I was down,
Made me smile instead of frown
Then you fool us about,
We will scream
We will shout,
It’s not your fault I do agree
But you can’t do this to me,
You are still my friend
But now this friendship has met its end,
You milk everything dry
Thinking we will break down and cry,
Well fuck you bye bye

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
im so mad at sandy he has pissed me of so much he milks everything

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This Poem has been viewed 403 times

» Comments / Feedback
by arnie (12-12-2004 - 05:30 PM)
gd poem

by Morbid Angel (12-12-2004 - 05:34 PM)
You childish little shit. You "loved" him before. You haven't got a clue. I bet you love someone else now. Grow the fuck up, he's a million times a person then you'll ever be.

by Trapezium (12-12-2004 - 06:32 PM)
I wasn't trying to make you cry. If I was, you would've easily been in tears. There's no grey, and you're very far from white, so you're black. Simple. You could kick my ass? Hardly. I wouldn't hit you back, I'd get my female freinds to whoop your ass, and you know they could. FIY I haven't fooled anyone about. Silly girl. Who's "we" anyway?

by devilchild01 (12-12-2004 - 07:25 PM)
grow up the lot of you

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