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» Poem: Why is it always about you?
Why is it always about you?
written by liddle xxx punk
01:31 AM 12/14/04
You want me to be normal..
Tell me what normal is?
You say you dont want to get laughed at
because of what i do.
I know you dont accept it,
and I know you wont live with it.
You think its tearing you apart..
Well guess what...I'm getting more fucked up.
I can't see why you wont even try to listen to
me talk...
How are you supposed to know anything if i cant
open up?
I hate you for this..
You take everything I say and do and turn it around
to be about you.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
...Mom...This one is for you...hope u get the fuck over me and the way i am...if not i can always leave..

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This Poem has been viewed 82 times

» Comments / Feedback
by *FoReVeR*BrOkEn*69* (12-14-2004 - 01:47 AM)
My moms the same and it bugs the shit out of me .. can you say *B*I*T*C*H* (?)

by (anonymous) (12-18-2004 - 09:03 PM)
brittlez same here my mom was a bitch when i told her a/b my *episodes* love cocco beans

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