» Poem: Fear is no Option |
Fear is no Option
written by IceBound04:57 PM 12/14/04So what if he bit you?
I know...
i'm assuming it meant nothing
there's no need for sorry's
i trust you
i just hope that you made it clear
you have a boyfriend...
but i think even that's doubtful
i'll admit, jealousy did kick in
when you said this...
but how could i be mad at you?
WHY should i be mad at you?
Exactly, i shouldn't...
there's no reason
i understand you didn't know
so please, stop saying sorry
i trust you, fully now
especially now, knowing
that honesty better said then kept a secret
played into your words
and i thank you for that
thank you for your honesty
now i think i should come forth
honesty must become part of this
part of US, otherwise we have nothing...
for these past few days away from you
i tried to find why, or even reasons
to break away...
believe me, how you're feeling right now
as you read this, is nothing
compared to the games my mind was playing...
i know that i don't want to hurt you
and in keeping this promise to you
i'd rather it be me to take on this pain
yet you refuse, and i still don't understand why?
I know that i will always love you
and it's with my love, for that, i wouldn't want
pain to take hold of you again...
i know how broken and beaten your heart is
and i'm tryin to piece it back together
trying to mend it's wounds
but my scarred hands were molded by aggression
by this false image of mine...
only my heart knows love in this shell
called my body...
i tell you that i don't want to hurt you
and you say, with unspoken words
that you know the risks
you know the consequences
you know the 'what if'
and you still don't stray from my side
i know what you want to say
everytime i ask you why...
why you put yourself through this
for someone as brain dead as I
do you see potential in this heart?
Do you see my love for you?
I think you do...
otherwise, why would you be holding back
when i ask why? I know what you're begging to say
on the inside, "Because I love you"
for some strange reason,
i can only express those three words
through poem, through these lines of
emotionless, and lifeless text
why am i so afraid to tell you?
Is it because i don't want to hurt you?
Is it because i know that everyone i've said
"i love you" to, has had a stake engraved:
"SORRY" pierced through their hearts?
That word is all to familiar to me
it should be my middle name...
and just like a middle name
it is not even thought of
but when said, becomes this
intriguing piece of information to others
it hits them, with emotion...
no...i'm just making this more complicated
than need be...
i haven't said those words...because i haven't
simple as that, no beating around the bush
no more exuses...
from next we meet, fear is no option
i think honesty is in order
and for you, the one i hold dear
anything for the one i love |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
thoughts i had the first day my mom tried to seperate me and my girl... [ View IceBound's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 335 times