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» Poem: Full Of It
Full Of It
written by Broken Phoenix
05:05 AM 12/15/04
I'm so full of grief
I need some relief
I need to believe
So I can leave
So maybe I can find
Someone kind
Why's my life so full of sorrow?
Sitting wishing there was no tommrow
Cryin in the night so I won't be heard
At times like these I wish I could fly like a bird
I want to lay down and die
I want that so bad that I cry
Cause I can't escape
From my mistake
And I just want to go home
Where I can be alone
Why's my heart so full with pain?
I've been living a life thats become a game
And hurts so bad but I can't scream
Part of me still pretending that this is a dream
But I can't take it
I know I won't make it
And I'm amazed that I was able to fake it
for so long
But I know this is where I don't belong
And I'm full of it

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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