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» Poem: feelings left out
feelings left out
written by devil-dick
10:47 AM 12/15/04
my love for you isnt wrong,
ive needed someone like you for way too long
your different, your beautiful, your unique, your mine,
forgive me for when i act like a swine,
you mean so much, i care too much,
i would like you to stay, i love your touch,
my head is a mess, so be open with me,
thats the problem dont you see?
say it straight, no matter how harsh,
you sent me to heaven, away from the suicidal marsh,
i feel to much at once, but i do love you,
just be open please, you'll see im true,
im not going to hurt you, never, no way,
the choices are in your hands, but im here to stay,
so please forgive me for this, for being me,
i love you, and forever im yours, if you want me to be.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
shame she didnt trust me enough to believe me...

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This Poem has been viewed 397 times

» Comments / Feedback
by onetreehillbrooke (1-5-2005 - 02:35 AM)
ahhhhhhhhhh dat waz so awet

by (anonymous) (1-18-2005 - 01:51 AM)
i like this peom beucz i can relate i am a girl dating another girl! my friends and family say it wrong but i know its right!

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