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» Poem: Can I?
Can I?
written by Trapezium
03:36 PM 6/18/04
Can i die yet?
Can i slit my wrists,
And drench my fists,
In the cold blood,
Draining like a flood,
Coming from my soul,
Can i score my goal?

I need to see a physc and quick,
Or i will die while acting a prick,
I need help and i want it,
But no-one seems to give it,
I guess i'm scared of the outcome,
I guess i am scared of the gun,
I would hate my family to know,
Unless i know i want to go.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Does anyone know a good pyschiatrist in the cambridge area?

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