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» Poem: Nonsense
written by IceBound
12:04 AM 12/17/04
I'm trying to understand
what is not meant to be understood
rather it should be accepted
than to dwell over the
could haves
should haves
and would haves...
i could have been honest
i should have told her from the start
i would have loved her from day 1
dwelling over a situation gets me no where
it's the choices i make in life
that i must not ask 'what if?'
but to understand why i made that specific choice
and to learn from it
learn that jelousy isn't a factor
childish games of a high school couple
can get out of hand
you can't escape from fate
as much as you can't escape from yourself
learn that love is just as much a loaded gun
as a dream in itself

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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