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» Poem: Heartbroken
written by The-Angelic-Lerena
02:44 PM 12/17/04
He wasn't here to watch my cuts burn
He wasn't here to make the pain seem less
And yet...I'm still living through all this
I failed to realize he hated me
It hurts to know he doesn't really like me
But somehow I'm still living without him

It's like an independent world
I'll meet him again and he won't live another second
He doesn't realize just how he broke my heart
But I just don't need that sick bastard anymore!
I'll kill him, I don't want him around
I was his until I realized he gave up everything

Didn't he realize just what we had
He let me fall without being there to help me heal
It may be partly my fault about what happened
But none of us are perfect
Thus making you no better
If thy think he can just outsmart me
Than he's wrong, because I'm not weak

He can watch me cry and he can watch me scream
But I won't let the pain get the best of me!
I lied for him and I stood up for him
But I didn't get repayed, not even a dime
I didn't even get a thank you or an I owe you one
He's such a fool and I'm so independent

So Indepentent so Independent
He can just kiss me good bye because I ain't stayin'
I'll just grab a knife and watch his eyes burn
He'll just get more careless without me
And I'll just get more careless being with him
I want him to be hurt...to feel my pain

But I don't think I hate him just yet
I still feel inner feelings for the one I dared to love
But he wasn't there and that made me independent
I can't stab him with a knife or curse him out
I may be independent but I still care for him
Just let me know if he's really there

I don't want him holding back anymore
If he loves me than I want him to prove it
If he doesn't love me than I want him to say it
I'm over him, but how can I be sure
I may want someone else but I can't hurt him
Yet I'm holding the knife over his head

I hear my name being whispered down the long hall
The knife falls before me as I send a painful cry
I run down the hall trying to find our love again
At times I'm independent but at others...
I'm as sensitive as a little girl in Kindergarden
I cry out his name and I hope to have him back

But a side of me still mourns the loss of our love
It's hard to decide what I really will do
A side of me hates him
But another side of me fights to be with him
I struggle to find out which it is
Than I realize...it's a little bit of both
This independent feeling has other made me better

I wrap my hands around his neck softly
I struggle to keep the sin from escaping
But than it comes and I burst out with anger
I get up and I leave, I continue mourning this pain
All my cuts burning All my cuts asking for my grave
I fall unconscious a note for him underneath...

"I love you with all my heart...no matter what I do....so please, help me heal all my cuts and all I lost, I love you...and I hope you love me too..."
Blood drips from the knife
He runs into the room with blood all over
Than he realizes the pain he's caused

Bending down he looks at what I said
A tear drips from his eyes and he knows he lost me
He than sees a knife through what I did
My heart broken to pieces
And now I visit my grave...
Good bye...I'll love you forever...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I felt this way, just yesterday...I fell and I was hurt ...

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This Poem has been viewed 531 times

» Comments / Feedback
by (anonymous) (12-17-2004 - 06:58 PM)
go find another boy friend :) .. am sure there are a lot of good men worth for you -opiopi-

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