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» Poem: Write the day away
Write the day away
written by Rogue_101
06:39 AM 12/24/04
I can’t seem to write. Nothing comes to mind as I look at the screen. People tell me that writing takes time and that I have to be patient. I am.
I can’t put my thoughts onto paper. Nothing comes out of my pen as I write aimlessly along the lines. I tell my self to be patient. I am.
I can’t think as the music in the background blares through my ears and into my brain. They tell me that quiet solitude is better than music. I say I am patient. I am.
The door creaks and a thought comes to mind, about a life of challenge and a thought in time, about a girl who sits and writes the day away, about a girl who tells the world of her struggles of her day. I tell my self I am patient. And I am.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by sickbitch420 (2-15-2005 - 08:57 AM)
I really love your poem.. you're great

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