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» Poem: Society
written by CemetaryDrive
11:57 PM 12/24/04

Society has changed,

And it will forevermore remain.

Blind acceptance,

And sheer ignorance.

The way they act,

Before they think.

Individualists cross the streets

While conformists give them the eye.

You know the look,

The one of hatred,

And non-understanding.

Society has changed this world!

Right in front of our eyes,

This world is falling,

Society has laid all their hate

In the non-conformists,

That they can't see

What's in their faces.

The chance to be free

And be themselves.

The chance to live

A happy life,

If they'd just accept

These individualists,

Perhaps the world

Could rise once again.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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