» Poem: Mondays And All Its Horror |
Mondays And All Its Horror
written by CemetaryDrive12:09 AM 12/25/04BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Goes the forsaken alarm
BAM Goes my hand on the snooze button
Just five my minutes I say to myself
Bam Goes my hand on the alarm clock
Two more minutes I say to myself
Then I swear I'll get up
"Dylan wake up." says my mom
"The bus gets here in less than 20 minutes."
I jump from my bed and go down the hall
I turn on the faucet to the shower and hop in
All the warm water is gone
I quickly wash myself
and I get out of the shower
I dry myself off
and go to my room
I rummage around through
the clothes on the floor
I pick up a pair of pants
and take a whiff
I think the cat peed on it
I finally find some clothes
that smell OK and don't
have any visible stains
Now I need to find my backpack
After 5 minutes of searching
I finally find my shit
I go in the bathroom
To put on my makeup
Out comes the mascara, eye shadow,
eyeliner, lip stick
no time for brushing my teeth
Hurry only have 6 minutes left
"OWW" The eyeliner poked my eye
Get the damn eye drops....
Take one final look
I'm satisfied
Run to the kitchen
to get my morning
travel cup of Java
Out the door I go
Oh wait,
I forgot my shoes....
Go inside find my shoes
Run to the bus stop
Too late, Its gone
I walk back home
pissed off
I'll have to have my mom drive me
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