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» Poem: My List of Fears
My List of Fears
written by xmx_satine_xrx
07:12 PM 12/26/04
I want to give this list to you,
And it shows each and all my fears.
Every single one you read,
Just breaks me into tears.
The nightmares I witness,
The feelings I get,
The emotions I process,
With each fear that I’ve met.
These things that I’ll list for you,
Are disturbing and just horrid,
Things that I can’t stand to see,
Things that are simply morbid.
So here is my list you wish to see,
I bid you a thanks for all your care,
They might not be as scary to you,
But these things to me are hard to bare.
I hate to sleep when clowns come out,
I can hear their cannibalistic plans,
They plan to torture me till pain I shout,
And caress me with their blood red hands.
I hate to listen to pipes at night,
The ghosts are coming for me.
But for all I know those could be,
Just plain old pipes that turned rusty.
In the depths of the ocean,
Where my dearest enemy hides,
I wait for the day,
Each and every shark dies.
Of all my fears,
I just had to have been blessed with,
Of falling from high places,
Into an empty, bottomless myth.
Then when the night becomes weary,
And every toy comes alive,
I hide from the dolls,
And each toy with a knife.
Then of all my greatest fears,
I had to have this one,
The one where a man,
Chases me while I run,
He’d find where I was,
Then he’d catch up to me,
And in my greatest nightmare,
He’d take my one and only.
So of all my fears,
My worst is the worst,
But with each nightmare each night,
I must just be cursed.
Drowning, Dying, Bleeding, Losing,
Hurting, Killing, Teasing, Disturbing.
Raping, Weeping, Falling, Ending,
Dreaming, Seeming, Trying, Mending.
No sleep or even moments when,
I’m not thinking of the images in my head.
The things I fear just flashing through,
My mind each time I go to bed.
I’m just paranoid,
They’ll go away,
I watch too many movies.
It’s what people say.
But no matter what anyone says,
We all have fears,
And Dream of things,
That will always and forever bring us tears.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I have always had a wierd desire to write a list of my fears. These are only a few, but I finally wrote them down, and in a poem.

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