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» Poem: Some fuckin Father
Some fuckin Father
written by perfect.flaws
09:27 PM 12/27/04
I remember, when i loved you,
I remember, when I thought you loved me too.
But i guess it wasn't so.
Because you had no intention to show..
That you cared or really loved me.
You drank, and drank, and drank,
until there was nothing left..
nothing left in those bottles,
nothing left of you, except for an asshole,
and an alcoholic.
I remember that aweful day, when your ex came in
and screamed and shreaked at you.
Then without a thought or doubt she grabbed your kitchen knife.
she managed to draw blood.
Unfortunatly it was not yours.
The reason that i hate you, has so many reasons,
so many meanings, that i cant understand.
but let me tell you what I've felt...
When i was young without a father in the house,
i cryed for you, and wished for you, and never understood, why mother would call you those aweful names.
And now i understand.
I was Made fun of because the clothes i wore to school were old and smelt like shit.. because you took our money and you left.
You spent it on your precious alcohol.
I cryed my self to sleep, because you were not there.
And now i cry, because i wish you were't my father.
I wish Mother had Met some else.
Some one that wasn't you.
Maybe i wouldn't have been hungrey, maybe not so cold, and ugly.
So Thank You Father! Thank you So Fucking Much!
I Won't Be To Surprised to hear that you died of a gun, or a kitchen knife, Hopefully, more painful..from yourself.. your precious alcohol!
You We're some Fuckin Father Werent You!

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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