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» Poem: Judging !
Judging !
written by perfect.flaws
01:09 AM 12/29/04
The young, the Old, And everyone between,
we all seem to do it, whether we know it or not.
Whether We wish to or not.
One look, One Glance, gives us the oppotunity
to judge eachother in any way poosible.
Why do we do it, habbit? enjoyment, or own pity and hate? Nothing is an Excuse.
Her hair is to greasy, His Shoes Are so Gay.
Look At that little skank, thinking she's all that.
What the fuck is wrong with you, can't you speak up?!
Why is that we're so cruel, so unhappy with eachother, unhappy with ourselves. ?
We need to except who we are, and exept how others live their lives.
It's Easy to say, but harder to do.
Think before you Say.
Not everyone will like you
not everyone likes me.
But neither do you. We like we who like,
and thats all their is too it.
I Am Me, And you Are You. They Are Them.
Accept it.
We have our own opinion, and thoughts, but not all need to be said.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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