» Poem: Live, love, die |
Live, love, die
written by liddle xxx punk03:37 AM 12/29/04Life is a priveledge,
not something to mess around with.
God didnt play around when he made you,
why should you play around with ways to destryo yourself?
Is it true that love will take you far in life?
Is one person really meant to be someone else's
Or is love all a fantasy that becomes some people's
reality and everyone else's tragedy?
Is dying the only way to get what you really want?
Is the world meant to be painful and mean?
Why would someone put you through something like this?
Bc He is trying to test you, prove to Him that you
are strong enough to survive through the roughest storm
And learn to cope with life love and death. |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
woah...i didnt see this one going in the "religious" direction....wow...i suck dude...lol...whatever man.... [ View liddle xxx punk's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 104 times