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» Poem: Rain
written by darktinkerbell
01:25 PM 12/29/04
it's pouring outside,
and I'm sitting here,
I can't sleep,
eyes wide awake,
foucused on us
and all we've been through,
in almost 3 months
we've been through a lot,
but we're still going strong
I hear the rain hit the window
and think of what we've been through
to get to where we are now.
I watch the rain fall,
as my mind foucuses on us.
I wish you were here with me right now
only a few hours till I see your face again,
though it seems so far away.
watching the rain,
I'm growing tired now,
my eyes are closing,
the day rests and the night smiles,
tomorow is a new day,
but for now, my day is done

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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