» Poem: People Just Like You |
People Just Like You
written by Foiazzy06:09 PM 12/30/04Okay, this really needs to be said
I'm really fucking sick of being misunderstood
Yes, I cut myself to deal with my emotional pain
No, I don't do it for attention, or anything like that
I'm not proud of it, it's a horrible way to live
But it is what it is
What really pisses me off is when people say I'm immature for doing it
I know it's harmful, it's wrong, it's ruining my life
I'm sorry, but sometimes I have no other way of dealing with shit
I don't have somebody to confide in
It honestly does calm me down and help me think rationally again
If you don't understand it, fine
It's one of those things you have to go through to really know
Just don't treat cutters different because of how they deal with pain
They're people just like you |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Okay...This isn't a very good poem, but I really needed to say it. I'm sick and tired of being looked down upon, and called stupid, retarded, or whatever because of what I do...I know it's not alright, but that's the way I am...And cutting and suicide (for me) are two separate things! If you don't fucking understand, look it up and get the facts straight before you start talking about it like you know it all!...Sorry if I sound rude, I'm really not in a very good mood right now... [ View Foiazzy's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 79 times