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» Poem: Fuck This!!!!
Fuck This!!!!
written by darktinkerbell
07:57 AM 1/1/05
I am always wrong,
you are always right,
just another one of your ways
to make me shut up,
well fuck it,
I'll give you what you want,
I'll shut up, and be your little
perfect girlfriend,
just cause you know,
I'm the only one who hasn't
broken your heart,
but you've broken mine,
many times,
but that doesn't matter,
as long as yours is still in one piece,
nothing else matters.
well, fuck this.
fuck it all,
a great way to "ring in the new year"
a simple phone call,
another fuck up,
to write down in the book,
another meaningless
"I'm sorry"
one I've heard,
many times.
I hate the way you see me,
as some kind of joke,
that you're better than me....
well, fuck it,
you're not gonna bring me down,
I'm gonna keep on going with my life,
just another day,
another day you pissed me off,
so....I'm just gonna play it off,
pretending to be happy,
just so I won't disappoint my family.
fuck whatever sorrys you have to say,
you've said them too many times to count,
and you just don't see.....
fuck it,
I'm putting on my fake smiles,
and pretending everything's ok,
just for this new year's,
happy new year...
nice memory,
endin the year with a fight.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
My bf was acting like a jerk

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