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» Poem: The pain still hasn't gone away
The pain still hasn't gone away
written by intearsforever
05:46 AM 1/2/05
She doesn’t know what to do,
She cannot think of anything to say,
Nothing she does will take her pain away.

He walks past her,
Her heart aches for him,
Yet he does not appear in her arms,
He never see her,
He never believe her,
She can’t just leave this love,
When she knows that they should be.

When she tries to send the pain away,
She hears him say,
“She tries to hard, she tries to impress me, but how can I love someone wrapped up in themselves like that”
She hears those words, and suddenly believes in nothing at all,
Now all she sees in the mirror is fat,
And so now she has become her own worst fear,
Now she dreads to look into the mirror.

She sits in the bathroom during lunch,
To avoid eating,
She just keeps beating,
Beating away at herself,
Because she hates herself,
She will never see past the image in her head,
Soon she shall die, in her own bed.

She will die of starvation,
Yet it isn’t that,
She died of the pain,
The pain that just wouldn’t go away,
So now she is gone,
And she isn’t coming back,
Her dreams just disappeared,
And what she always feared,
Finally came true.

So there she lays,
Without anything to say,
And the pain still hasn’t gone away.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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