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» Poem: Life the loop...
Life the loop...
written by Psychoace
09:19 AM 1/2/05
What is mere anarchy when a falconer can not contain the gyre he hath made to contain the falcon.....

if the falcon stops the earth stops.....

if the falconer stops the earth stops.......

But wait if he continues it,

the life.....the loop.......

continues into dispair, into a deeper rest of subjectification........

So butchery is not the answer some might say....

But if the falcon is set forth then you will see....

Every one of you shall see....

that life the loop does not indeed end but looses upon the earth something greater


All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by _Anything_to_be_Loved_ (1-11-2005 - 03:26 PM)
that was very meaningful... and true... very true...

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