» Poem: They Say They Love You |
They Say They Love You
written by ieatsmellysocks11:23 PM 1/3/05They love you for the money
They love you for the fame
They love you for your daughters
They love you just to play the game
The say that they love you
They go to ebay and buy a cheap ring
They say that they'd die for you
But they wouldnt do anything
They love you for your mansion
They love you for your brand new car
They love you for the gifts you buy
But do they love you for who you are?
Your just a pretty,vulnerable one
I'd love to buy you and treat you bad
I want to pretend that i love you
I want to make you sad
Do they really love you
Is it...Is it true?
Or are they just saying it for fun
To them your just a pretty,vulnerable one
They love you for the money
They love you for the sex and the housework you do
They love you for all these things
But do they love you for you?
They say that they love you
They love the money you make
They say they always want to be with you
But everything is fake
The sex...the money...the mansion...the car
Do they really love you for WHO YOU ARE? |
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