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» Poem: knives again*
knives again*
written by Trapezium
07:01 PM 6/28/04
i hold my throat,
i choke,
i hate this life,
it's a joke,
i hold this knife,
i cry,
i will use this,
just to die,
14 slashes,
in these patterns,
no order,
blood does stream out,
at least i hope,
i don't die no,
i live again,
no way,
why do i have,
to stay,
i hate myself,
so say.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Well what can i say? why the fuck do i have to live another day, i hate this life, i hate this knife, it didn't do it's duty, to kill me

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This Poem has been viewed 424 times

» Comments / Feedback
by imaginarypaperflower (6-28-2004 - 09:19 PM)
good poem. very good. you asked me what kept me here. my poems aren't that old, just up to a month or two. but i guess i don't know what keeps me here.

by cryptic_misery (6-28-2004 - 10:49 PM)
yeah i guess my poems keep me here as well, but anywho, yes that poem about I talk to rain, yes the rain is a little representation of myself, and live all or nothing means to never give up, or just give up completely...and your poems are amazing as well. I can relate to all of the ones i've read so far. that's really special. if you haven't, read my poem called Dying Rose. if you have any e-mail address' i could have leave it in that one. I'll be sure to e-mail you soon. You are a really great person. thanks for everything. :D

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