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» Poem: What Might Happen Tomorrow
What Might Happen Tomorrow
written by ieatsmellysocks
12:27 AM 1/6/05
Goodnight scars
I wish I could promise you a better tomorrow
Im not going to lie to you
I wont forget my sorrow
Tomorrow you’ll have a new friend.
Or maybe three or four.
It depends on how badly im hurting inside.
I might give you seven or more.

Goodnight needle.
Im done scratching up my arm for the night.
Im sorry,but im thinking of telling them whats wrong.
I know you like being stuck into my scarred skin.
But im tired of just putting up with it,trying to be strong.

Goodnight pencil.
Ive written even more poems today.
It didn’t really make me feel that much better,
But maybe I can show them to my counselor or something.
And ive written my sister a letter.

Goodnight sweater.
I’ll be wearing you tomorrow so they don’t see my arms.
I don’t really know why I care.
Friends and family punish me and tell me to stop,
But its there fault for not being there.

Goodnight, voices in my head.
I hope you’ll be quiet enough for me to sleep.
Even though I enjoy your company,I need some rest.
In the morning I have to deal with a stupid counselor.
If im tired looking,I’ll seem more depressed.

Goodnight knife.
You were always there for me.
I love you.You cheered me up when I was down.
You made me feel better.
You helped me smile instead of frown.

Goodnight photos on my wall.
I hate you.Ive cried so much looking at you.
Every time I look at you I want to puke,kill myself or cry.
Even though you bring me much pain,I always leave you there.
I don’t ever take you down.I may tomorrow.I don’t know why.

Goodnight world.
I shall not miss you.Very few days you treated me good.
I think you’ll be glad to know I wont be here the day after tomorrow.
Where will I be?I will be lost in my own world.
In a place where I might be able to forget my sorrow.


All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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