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» Poem: Losing you............
Losing you............
written by Psychoace
06:46 AM 1/6/05
Sit upon the roof as I strum forgotten chords...

Its all i know anymore,

It all left me the day you went away...

My soul...

My will to live...

My Crow...

My wolf...

I have nothing left but memories and this broken guitar,

And so i sit here and play, I play and sit here...

There is nothing left here for me,

The rain beats harder and harder as i pick up on the melancholy rifts...

Its not rain, its your tears i pushed you to my sin and now i can never have you again,

They say pain is for the unforgiven well if that is so then I must have Sinned against our entire love...

And so i sit here atop the rain drenched building playing away, and you are forced to live thru my fear.....

Losing you......................

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
just can't get off of it................

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This Poem has been viewed 361 times

» Comments / Feedback
by ThisFeelingIsLove (1-6-2005 - 07:14 AM)
sad... but its a good poem.

by _Anything_to_be_Loved_ (1-6-2005 - 11:48 PM)
that was so sad. but yet a beautiful pece of work.

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