» Poem: you chose the title |
you chose the title
written by aLeE_rUlEs_112011:47 PM 1/6/05a life is your story your one and only dream..my life is a movie where i can only scream. My life could not get any worse...but of corse it will as i grow old with the person i love. a man with the eyes that can look and to mine and truley say i love you .. dont you want to control your life and be who you want to be. My life is a picture of a girl with no hope, who stnads around and do nothing but mope. my life is a tunnel that never seems to end. crawing through that tunnel knees staring to hurt. my heart is tearing yet so is my shirt. My life is a story that will never end..with words pileng up...i cant control my actions with the little power i have life wont dramitcly changenot today or tommorrow..,...couldnt i just live myt life with no pain or sorrow? |
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!!!! i have never written a poem before!!! help me out and give some advice as if i should continue or just put poitry behind?? thanks, Shhaha [ View aLeE_rUlEs_1120's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 96 times