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» Poem: the mask of many..............
the mask of many..............
written by Psychoace
01:33 AM 1/7/05
The mask of hate...

Rejects the world and shows nothing but rejection,

The mask of lonelyness...

Shows how it is alone and why we do the things we do,

The mask of sorrow...

Covered in blood for his lost love this is the one mask that reveals half of what he is,

The mask of Tasiturne silence...

Has no mouth or eyes, it just breathes to be wanted, people do not notice this one for it is grey and decrepit,

The mask of love...

Drains with black and white pain marks of fears, scared but open to trust,
Willing to try and merge them all to the...

Mask of Grotesque which is my life.......................

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
i don't know................

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