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» Poem: Hit The Floor
Hit The Floor
written by darktinkerbell
05:28 AM 1/7/05
my suicidal tendencies
have brought me here again,
I'm at the edge,
hanging on by my fingertips.
these colorful pills
look so beautiful in my palm
I write my last words,
and lay in bed,
inches from the pills
toughing my lips,
putting me out of my misery...
I pull my hand back,
cowardly I never tasted the pills.
I looked in the mirror,
and saw what I was...
I hated what I saw...
I looked the other way...
and the pills slipped between
the gaps of my fingers
and hit the floor...
such a quiet sound
rang in my ears for hours...
and I collapsed to the floor
the colors of the pills
in front of my face...
I want to reach for them,
but I'm frozen,
....unable to move,
I lay on the floor, crying,
I know how far I would've gone,
just to hit the floor, and be 6 feet under.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I tried 2 comit suicide, and it failed obviously....I think I'm happy about it....but I dunno...I'm not so sure yet.

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