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» Poem: A Little Bit of The Madness in My Mind
A Little Bit of The Madness in My Mind
written by chaoticthoughts
07:10 AM 1/7/05
Burnt out misery from your pathetic existence. Acid rain drops fall upon your head as tears of blood come flowing from your blood shot eyes. Excrutiating pain from the worthlessness you created for yourself. The dismal display of a personality you portray yourself to have, has not fooled anyone. Everyone sees right through you not to mention past you. As you exhale the smoke from your burnt to the core cigarette you can't help but wish it was a joint. Dying to have the inviciblity once again restored to you; that already before, fucked everything up for yourself. The anxiety of going in public just wanting to know so badly what everyone is thinking when they see all your scars upon your arm. The caution you take when finding love knowing and accepting that one day it might just fade away, just as simply as it came into your life. The expect the worse and prepare for the good attitude, that most certainly won't get you anywhere in life; that everyone except for yourself hates and can't stand about you. The way people look at you and you automatically think they are rude and ignorant so you don't get to know anyone. You rather be by yourself than to trust another human being and take the risk of getting hurt or stabbed in the back. You rather would want to hurt yourself than feel the hurt from another human being. It is much more easier to deal with your own suffering on your own than to share any part of your life with another.

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