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» Poem: Shadows of The Night
Shadows of The Night
written by whatShouldUsBe
03:24 AM 1/9/05
We don't always have to stand,
in the shadows of the night,
listening to others demands,
because we know they're not right,
We should just be together,
and not care what they think,
they shouldn't decide,
whether we float or sink,
I love you,
do you love me,
because thats how,
I think it should be,
We should not have to stand,
in the shadows of the night,
and kiss in the rain,
just because they're not right,
why do they try to keep us apart,
when obviously...
we are in each others hearts,
I miss the way you hold me,
and keep me through the night,
I miss how things used to be,
when we met within the light,
I wish we could be,
together under the sun,
and let those asses know,
what has rebegun,
We will never really be over,
our love will never die,
I am not sure just how,
but they always ask us why,
I never give them an answer,
but I wish I knew,
why from the moment I saw you,
did I immediatley love you...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
This is for an ex-boyfriend.. He is on this site and he knows who he is... I love him more then anything even though we are not together anymore and I just want him to know that I do not believe we should be apart... If you read this please hear my plea... I love you but do you still love me????

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