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» Poem: Just the 17 of Us
Just the 17 of Us
written by darktinkerbell
02:06 AM 1/10/05
15 brothers, love 'em all,
but hate the distance,
never living in the same house....
wow, it's hard,
feeling like you're brother
is some stranger on the street,
you met last week...
15 boys, 2 girls,
how do you keep up,
into knowing everyone's lives.
ernie, ramos, graham, jesus,
ivan, juan, manuel, luis,
ronnie, jose, martin, albert,
joel, julian, Ted,
ashley, cynthia,
how do you remember us all?
how do you think we feel,
being split apart?
how do we stay close, and still act like,
we never were apart....
I love the fights, jokes, screaming,
wrestling, and football,
because those are the few times
we get to spend as a family,
holidays where we're together
are so rare, there hasn't been one yet....
I wish it was different,
I wish we were all together,
my 15 brothers, my sister.
I wish our time would last longer,
but I can only wish.....
that my family can give us the time....
just the 17 of us.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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