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» Poem: the safety of my solitude...............
the safety of my solitude...............
written by Psychoace
11:46 PM 1/10/05
I lay here quiet and still...

Pondering a ponder of pondering ponders,

As my eyes roll to the back of my head, there is no light among me...

All there is, is darkness,

My home, my straight jacket keeps me safe from the outside...

I convulse violently and tear at my flesh to open the wound,

The darkness all there is, is darkness...

Its not even safe as i sleep,

All there is, is Darkness...

pain, the loneliness in the darkness is my insanity,

Alone the insanity is my darkness...

Its all i dream,

And all i dream is it...

Everything i see is darkness,

And her.................

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
hey _Anything_to_be_Loved_ you might like this one if you do u2u me or something i read some of yours and i really like them...........

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This Poem has been viewed 348 times

» Comments / Feedback
by _Anything_to_be_Loved_ (1-11-2005 - 12:00 AM)
hey man your right. I did like it, it was really fucking good... FUCK, it was great!...

by Cut_Wrist_Risk (1-11-2005 - 05:04 AM)
I dont know what else to say exept great job u2u me-Cass

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