» Poem: mY LOvE sToRy |
mY LOvE sToRy
written by HaSiYaM06:50 AM 1/12/05wHeN i FiRsT kNeW yOu
tHe tHoT oF haVinG yOu iM mY LifE wAs oNe oF thE mOsT wOndERfuL tHinGs i CouLd iMaGinE..
tO HaVe gOne fRom ThaT mOmEnT iM TimE tO ThiS mOmeNtwHeN iM haPpiEr ThaN i EvEr thouGht aNy PeRsOn CoULd eVer bE, iS aLL ThE pRoOf ThAt dReAms ReaLLy dO cOme TrUe..
tHis iS mY LovE sToRy... a sToRy aBouT yOu...:
i LovE yOU.... sO mUcH... anD sO amAziNgLy... eAcH dAy iS LikE a NeW paGe ThaT i Get The PriViLagE oF TuRninG oVeR.....
WiTh a NeW paRagraPh fOr thE moRninG....
a SwEeT eNtRy fOr tHe aFteRnOoN...
aNd a CanT-WaiT-To-ReaD rOmaNcE tHat WinDs iTs WaY tO thE HigHesT sTarS aNyOnE eVeR WisHeD uPoN..
ouRs iS LovE sToRy oF tWo pEopLe....
eaCh WiTh a JouRnEy iN sEarCh oF a DIsTanT HoRiZoN...
tWo SouLs WhoS PaThS WeRe aLLowEd To CroSs .....
WhoS woRdS FeLt RigHt aT hOmE.....
aNd WhOs sMilEs DisCoVerEd ThaT waLkiNg tHe waY tOgeTheR cOulD LeaD To a KinD oF HapPiNesS ThaT OnLy cOmeS aLoNg OnCe iN a LifEtimE....
wE'Re GivEn a GiFt tHat ManY pEopLe sEarCh aLl thEiR LivEs aNd NevEr mAnAgE To FinD...
wHen i FounD yOu, i JusT kNeW hOw i WanTeD tO fiLL thE eMpTy paGes oF mY LifE....
i waNt tO bE wiTh YoU aNd i wAnT tHiS LoVe StoRy tO hAve a HaPpiLy EvEr aFtEr aNd a VeRy haPpY enDinG bY nEvEr, eVeR enDinG aT aLL.... |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. [ View HaSiYaM's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 1968 times
» Comments / Feedback | by Firequeen (1-12-2005 - 05:59 PM)
lolz.. good poem but it took me ages to read while eyes keep crossing cause of the big letters |
by psychopathicmonkey (1-13-2005 - 02:48 AM)
by Jae (1-15-2005 - 05:04 AM)
This is a very nice poem but like someone special told me every poem is beautiful if it comes from your heart .... |
by (anonymous) (1-15-2005 - 06:36 AM)
hey this was an awsome poem.. but it could have done better without the huge letters. i had to take a break reading it. i sent it to my gf and she loved it!!! she thinks that you should get it published if you havent already... well cya
jesse eason |
by xXBleedingRoseXx (1-17-2005 - 05:09 AM)
its good...but dont make it so hard to read next time! |
by BeautifuLL_slash_Sexxy (1-17-2005 - 12:47 PM)
Vey cool man keep up the cool poems man |
by loubelou (1-17-2005 - 05:31 PM)
read poem loved it cryed coz it's showing me how bad my love life is
write back |
by Slooshberry (1-18-2005 - 05:49 AM)
dude nice poem... my eyes hurt like a bitch though it took too long to read it... i bet that was what you were going for but thats not too cool. |
by D-D-Damon (1-20-2005 - 12:11 AM)
kool, i love people too.. *swoon* damon... *drool* |
by ~*jasonlover*~ (1-20-2005 - 08:34 AM)