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» Poem: Shadow (empty soul)
Shadow (empty soul)
written by Foiazzy
05:11 PM 1/24/05
Once again a shadow falls, covering the ground
Shrouded in darkness, I search for the answers to life, but nothing is found
I trudge through the dust and debris of the lies I built to hide behind
While thoughts of yesterday and the days before run themselves through my mind
The broken pieces thrown to the dirt are all that remain of what was before
I ripped out my own heart and tossed it aside, realizing I didn't need it anymore
As I continued walking, I began to wonder if I had ever been truly happy
Was there ever a time in my life when I wasn't consumed by misery?
I don't think there was, I think I've always been this way
I don't think I've ever looked forward to seeing another day
But still I keep moving forward, I have nowhere else to go
I have no one who deeply cares about me, they all abandoned me long ago
The air got colder as I slowly made my way across the forsaken landscape of my lie
Is this place even real, or is this where broken, empty souls go to die?
Although it seemed deserted, I felt the somber presence of the dead
And there was no end to the darkness, no sign of light anywhere up ahead

Here I am...

Exhausted, I collapse to the dusty ground, I just can't take the pain
This sorry excuse for a life I no longer can maintain
What's the point of living if you just don't feel alive?
If you feel like you're dead anyway, why should you try to survive?
It's too late to do what long ago should have been done
After this much time, all I can do is run
Unless...Maybe someone could help me, pull me out of this deep hole
If only somebody would reach out their hand and rescue my dying soul
But wait a second, hold on, what's wrong with my head?
I can't be saved now...I'm already dead...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Well...I don't know...I just had this image in my head of a barren, gray place...

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This Poem has been viewed 111 times

» Comments / Feedback
by (guest) (1-25-2005 - 03:37 AM)
good poem as always..... slightly depressing as always but still good......as always lol

by Foiazzy (1-25-2005 - 04:03 PM)
Thanks......as always..... :)

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