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» Poem: Leadership
written by piperneedshelp
04:25 AM 1/28/05
every time i look at you i dont understand
why do you let things get so out of hand?
make some plans of action!
it does no good to start something and not finish it
if you must, for the greater good, resign
its not worth the fail of the group for your insecurities
no leader is without their right hand man
but its not worth it
we cant win
everyone is behind the "big man," so to speak
but we are just on the wrong side of the hill
after we get over the top, its all strait down
its not a hill! its a cliff
you cult master!
you bread us to die!
to push a point so far that life isnt important!
how could you?
we believed in you!
but thats our fault
not yours
absolute power, curupts absolutely
the power went to your head
too much power was there, you couldnt take it
now get out, their waiting for you!
to take you away
look at what you've done,
you've cut yourself dead

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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