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» Poem: Enigma of sentiments
Enigma of sentiments
written by DarkWing_Unicorn
05:26 PM 1/28/05
Something moved in the distance
As if there would be
Something was shining
Far from our
Something was humming
As if there would be
A strange sound
Filled the entire space;
Something had found
It's place.
In the cold mountains,
Or in the hot deserts?
Something was moving,heading
To the hollowed forests,
Where nothing had limits.
A strange enigma grew
In the stones;
A strange existance began
In the woods.
The crowns of the trees
Silently danced to the wind's blow;
But now they looked curiously
At each other.
A question dominated
Within this forgotten and unspoilt place.
A question of questions;
But nothing could make a sound,
Nothing could say anything.
They just felt it,
They saw it-
Something so close
And so strange.
What was it?
As if an unimaginable vision
Grew from an unknown.
For some it is crystal clear,
For us it remains a mistery,
For all Eternity.
Some have claimed to see it,
Some have claimed to feel it.
We saw,
What many has not seen,
We felt,
What many could not bare.
Seeing through different dimensions
Or simply having different oppinions?
Keep on believing
That's the key;
Keep on trying,
That's the answer.
Is it true what we saw?
As if silence would have transformed
Into a shape:Serenity.
Her gentle smile
Calmed down all creatures;
Her steps,
Healed all life.
Who or What is she?
The very Essence
Of your Innerness-
It's Earth Mother's
It's Gaia's
And she gently put her hands
On our shoulders,
And blessed us
With the Rare Gift.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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