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» Poem: What a day
What a day
written by piperneedshelp
07:37 PM 1/30/05
you wake up from a party last night
with that hangover killing you
you dont remember how you got home
you dont know if your parents remember it
but soon it becomes clear
mother stomping up the stairs
starting to scream at you
your head is pounding
what a day, and its barely started
i wonder whats going to happen today?
you didnt get any sleep yesterday as it was
tap you head on the desk,
just hard enough to knock you out
but it doesnt work,
you still can hear your mother
what a day!
and it barely started
as it goes on, you learn your grounded
you learn you cant see your friends
more yelling
your hangover gets worse
but just as night falls
you sneek out for the next party

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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