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» Poem: A Vampire's Blood (A taste not for all)
A Vampire's Blood (A taste not for all)
written by Misery
05:10 PM 7/7/04
A vampire's blood so unique
the darkness is what many seek

it's true
the human race is patheticly sad, who are to be forever doomed

you wish to taste the blood of an immortal and live forever
wish to be strong, and invincible til the rest of all time, you say to have this your life would be so
much better

but you'll never get a taste
this is a fact you need to face

this blood this drink
will never be at your lips

for you only see the few benifits of this form of damnation
only for a few know this blood drink, and this damend life as a salvation

you believe to live forever would be yoru salvation
so you beg and cry and wish for the kiss of damnation

so like many other creatures of the night
I turn my back to you and elave you still breathing, still having life...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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