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» Poem: Just another life for the Damned.
Just another life for the Damned.
written by Misery
05:13 PM 7/7/04
the town knows there's a monster out living in the dark of night
and I guess they're right
I am their nightmare's come to life
I walk the dark streets of the town at the midnight hour
that's where I came upon you.
and I followed you in every step you began to take
you can feel me here
yet you won't be held by your fear
you know I am only a few steps behind
you slowly breathe knowing soon it will be your last breath
you curse me with that breath
in your mind I can hear you calling me a damned being, a sickening monster.
Yes my dear fellow I guess you're correct
I'd rather live and let you die
you take off the street no one even notices
do you think they'll miss you when you're gone
you walk through a sickening alley and there you wait
you wait for me
you wait for your death
and there you take your death like a true man...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
*Don't Judge Unless you understand.*

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